Get Your Home Ready for Listing With The Four C’s of Home Staging

Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to move! But… where do you start with the wonderfully loved home you’re leaving behind? We know you have so much going through your head, there are countless lists of things you need to start on.
First, we need to reset your mindset from “this is my home” to “this is my greatest financial asset”. After that, the rest falls into FOUR categories to get you prepped for showings (with killer MLS photos to boot). Over the next four weeks we’ll get DEEP into what these categories mean for you and your potential buyers, with our goal to always get you top dollar offers as quickly as possible!

#1: CLEAN –
When your home hits the market, it needs to be the cleanest it has EVER been. That’s not to say your house is dirty, but we all have areas in which we’ve gone dirt-blind. Don’t worry though, we’ll walk you through all of the most overlooked areas in your home.
Typically we hear the word clutter and piles of mail & unfolded laundry come to mind. But really, it is SO much more than that. Visual clutter can include anything from too much furniture to not enough of it. Overstuffed cabinets or closets can end up looking way smaller than they really are, while wide open rooms can be just as hard to place. There’s a lot to talk about here!

Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America. We can’t let your open house or MLS photos make you the next victim. You’ll be shocked at how many day to day items in your home can give away private, possibly compromising, information.
#4: COLOR –
What we at Staged Up Colorado do is much more than just apply pretty designs. Our Home Staging Experts use psychological staging to uptick the emotion quotient of your property and truly draw buyers in on an emotional level.
Next week we’ll discuss what “on the market clean” means and what all you should consider when getting ready to list your property. Have questions? Anything you’re interested in reading next? Let us know below!